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5 Truths About Any Job Interview

Credit to corporatestaffing

What You Should Know About A Job Interview

 Recruiters appreciate a little small talk

Job interviews are not always meant to be uptight and straight to the point, so do not shy away from a little praise talk in the beginning of the interview. The recruiters will at times initiate the small talk so all you have to do is relax into it.

While every question in an interview is evaluating your suitability, don’t panic at the personal questions or try to look for a professional way to answer. Recruiters use the questions to relax job seekers, try and do the same; relax.

  Recruiters don’t like money-driven job seekers
While you may feel it necessary to talk about the salary issue in a job interview, recruiters are particularly concerned with people who base the interview on money matters.

If you negotiate too hard in the hope of getting what you believe is your worth or insist on giving your opinion on how low the salary is or how your previous job pays better, recruiters might think you are all about money. To avoid this, let the salary question come from the recruiter and only state or negotiate the amount in a polite manner. (With conviction, but on a light note)

 Recruiters hate overambitious and overconfident candidates
In any job interview, recruiters are highly turned off by people who believe in themselves too much (overconfident) or are striving for things that are not realistic at the time (overambitious). Yes, confidence is necessary in any job interview, but if you overdo it then it becomes a deal breaker.

It’s best to know what your limit before the interview is so you don’t blow your chances. Ask for feedback from people; someone will always call you out on it.

 Recruiters want to identify with your strengths during the interview
Don’t always wait for the recruiter to ask what your strengths are for you to highlight them. Recruiters use the answers you give during the interview to pick out where you are strong at, and where you are not.

So, even if you prepared for the strengths question or weakness question, don’t always wait for the recruiter to ask. They might not even ask it, instead, focus on demonstrating your expertise when giving your answers.

 Well qualified or not, recruiters are repelled by bad attitude
No recruiter likes an attitude, so if your body language is conveying a bad attitude about you, chances are you will not be getting the job. It will not matter how extensively qualified you are for the position, no employer wants to work with someone who has a bad attitude so don’t be surprised if the job goes to a lesser qualified candidate.

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