
Assistant HouseKeeper

Essential Purpose for Assistant HouseKeeper

This position is dependable for guaranteeing security and security in the lodgings and following to arrangements with respect to lodging residency.

Principal Responsibilities.

Responsible for implementing arrangement directions relating to going by hours to guarantee strict adherence to timekeeping.

Responsible for security and security in the lodgings and security of understudies by guaranteeing security guidelines are upheld.

Handle all crisis cases amid benefit hours and report them to the housekeeping lead or security in charge, getting the offer assistance needed.

Recommend changes in the lodging working strategies and gear to reflect way better security or defensive methods.

Handle students’ issues when concerns are raised inside the hostels.

Report any bizarre occasions or unfortunate behavior inside the understudies or staff to the Housekeeping Lead for fundamental measures.

Patrol and guarantee running water is turned off, lost, or property requiring upkeep and repairs is gone to to.

Ensures all security lights are in legitimate working condition and report on those that require repairs or replacement.

Perform any other sensible demands as doled out by the supervisor.

Education, information and experience

Diploma in regulation management/housekeeping or equivalent.

At slightest 3 year of encounter in the Neighborliness industry.

Knowledge of the operations of a college will be an included advantage.

Skills and Competencies

Must have essential housekeeping skills.

Knowledge of security and sanitation regulations

Knowledge of halfway clerical, operational or client benefit aptitudes obtained through instruction, encounter or on-the-job training.

Excellent interpersonal and client care skills.

Good verbal and composed communication skills.

Must be result-oriented, self-driven, express, and proactive.

Must have the capacity to make fast and sound decisions.

Accommodative and versatile to unused changes and regulations.

Flexible and able to handle numerous concurrent errands, work with speed and beneath pressure.

Ability to work freely as well as portion of a team.

Ability to prioritize workload and work with negligible supervision

Quick learner willing to go the additional mile

Assistant HouseKeeper Application process

Interested and qualified? Apply Now
