
7 Reasons That You Are Failing Interviews (And How To Improve On Them)

7 Reasons That You Are Failing Interviews (and how to improve on them):

1. You didn’t research the company or role.
↳ This is the quickest way to fail an interview.

Research the company’s Mission Statement, Values, Products, Services, Job Description, and more.

2. You weren’t genuinely interested in the role.
↳ Companies hire people who want to work for them.

It’s okay if you aren’t extroverted, but you need to ‘put on a bit of a show.’ Express genuine interest so the team knows you’re interested.

3. You were too humble and used “we” a lot.
↳ An interview is about you, not your teammates.

Don’t be afraid to say “I did X, Y, and Z.”

4. You communicated your experience poorly.
↳ Tell clear stories that showcase your experience.

Try writing out your stories in the STAR framework BEFORE you interview. After, practice mock interviewing.

5. You didn’t use metrics in your answers.
↳ Metrics prove your listed accomplishments & impact.

Think of metrics that are important in the role you’re interviewing for and highlight them in your answers.

6. Your weaknesses > your strengths.
↳ You must be a net-positive contributor to pass.

Spend time highlighting strengths and avoid negativity.

7. Someone else was a better fit for the role.
↳ You can’t always win. Sometimes other people are better.

There have been hundreds of thousands of layoffs over the last two years. Most openings have 10+ great applicants. It might not be your fault you failed. 

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