Technical Advisor & Systems Strengthening at PATH Job In Kenya

Technical Advisor & Systems Strengthening 



PATH is a global nonprofit dedicated to achieving health equity. With more than 40 years of experience forging multisector partnerships and with expertise in science, economics, technology, advocacy, and dozens of other specialties, PATH develops and scales up innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing heath challenges. 

PATH Kenya is a local entity that has been working in the country since 1990. PATH Kenya has been a trusted partner to the Kenyan government, the private sector, nongovernmental organizations, and communities, supporting the country’s rise as a health leader in East Africa and beyond. PATH in Kenya works to enhance health system capacity and resilience by providing technical expertise with deep local experience, accelerating progress through advocacy and policy, and using human-centered design to maximize impact. 

USAID Nuru Ya Mtoto aims to increase the use of quality county-led, county-owned, and county-managed health and social services for orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) and adolescents, as well as reducing new HIV infections, HIV treatment, reducing gender-based violence, and improving the health system response to post-gender-based violence care for adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) aged 9 to 24 years. The program will safeguard the rights and welfare of children and adolescents impacted by HIV and AIDS.

The Partnerships, Advocacy, and Systems Strengthening (PASS) lead will serve as the technical lead for strengthened county systems at the directorates of health and children services and other relevant departments, specifically focusing on Leadership, Governance and Strategic Planning, Human Resources for Health (HRH), Health Care Financing, and partnerships with the private sector and CSOs. S/he will collaborate closely with the DCOPs and the M&E Specialist to build capacity in the DCS, DoH, other relevant government departments, Private sector and LIPs across the Clinical Program, DREAMS, and OVC domain.

Location: Kisumu County

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Provide technical leadership for the project support to health financing and implementation reform including the development and implementation of policies to optimize resource allocation and ensure equitable access to quality HIV care and treatment services.

  • Provide overall guidance and leadership support for SS interventions, including leadership and management capacity, human resources for health, and budgeting/finance, advocacy for co-financing; partnerships with SS partners, and the local development organizations that encompass the CSOs.

  • Develop and implement a robust SS plan at the two directorates for the transition of HIV and OVC services by guiding the process of identifying key performance parameters with clear milestones to track the transition process and objectives outlined in the project’s proposal toward sustainability.

  • Strengthen strategic planning at the county level by supporting the development and implementation of the health and social components of the mid-term expenditure frameworks, five-year strategic plan, sector working groups, and the annual operation plan.

  • Conduct health financing analyses and assessments to identify opportunities for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare spending.

  • Oversee health workforce contracting and transition process to county government payroll through close collaboration with the relevant Public Service Boards (PSB).

  • Facilitate high-level engagements within the relevant counties to ensure increased ownership and buy-in towards county ownership of HIV and OVC services, transition, and sustainability.

  • Participate in the relevant technical working and sector planning & budgeting groups (county transition teams) in the respective counties to facilitate the realization of county-specific roadmaps to a sustainable HIV/TB program through increased resource allocation.

  • Lead capacity-strengthening initiatives to enhance the health financing expertise of government and the private sector, facilitating knowledge transfer and skills development.

  • Support the sharing of lessons learned, promising practices, and effective strategies to enable the county government, particularly the county health management team, and the directorate of children services to advance toward the desired SS results.

  • Promote consultative dialogues between the Department of Health and key county structures such as county assembly, county treasury, and governorship on prioritizing health and OVC interventions during resource sharing.

  • Represent the project on county level and inter-governmental policy forums and provide technical advisory on policy design and implementation pitfalls and successes.

  • Support the focus counties to design and implement health financing strategic frameworks aligned to the national health policy framework and UHC goals.

  • Plan for and measure performance improvement of health financing interventions, analyzing performance indicators and outcomes to inform continuous improvement efforts and strategic decision making.

  • Any other duty as may be assigned by the supervisor.

Required Qualifications and Experience:

  • Master’s Degree in health policy and administration, health sector development, public health, health economics, or a related field.

  • Minimum of five (05) years of working experience, designing, managing, implementing, and overseeing county systems strengthening initiatives with at least three (3) years at senior supervisory level with Ministry of Health and donor-funded programs, including the US government PEPFAR programs.

  • Solid understanding of Kenya’s devolved health systems, both national and county systems

  • Demonstrated analytical and problem-solving skills, capacity-building skills, communication, and interpersonal skills.

  • Ability to cultivate, develop, and maintain good relationships with the county government and staff, colleagues, private sector, and partners.

  • Experience in knowledge management, specifically in public health/ healthcare.

  • Excellent communication skills both writing and verbal.

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