Do These 6 Things Today to Improve Your Public Speaking Skills

 Have you ever been tasked to speak in public, heart pounding in your chest as your palms began to sweat because of public speaking anxiety? Looking out at a sea of faces expecting to hear from you, only to freeze up as your mind went completely blank?

Public speaking is something that many of us dread, but being able to address a group clearly and with confidence is an important skill.

Here are six things you can do today to start improving your public speaking abilities.

1. Practice.

Nothing builds public speaking skills like simply getting in front of others regularly, even if it’s just friends and family at first.

Look for local community events where you can volunteer to say a few words. The more you practice, the more comfortable you’ll feel with speaking off the cuff instead of reading from notes.

You can always start small by giving a one-minute update at a meeting rather than a full presentation.

2. Record yourself.

Did you know that hearing a recording of your own speech is one of the best ways to identify areas to improve?

Record a practice presentation on your phone and play it back, taking note of filler words like “um” and “like” that detract from your message.

See where your volume drops or your pacing speeds up. Be objective and focus on facts, not feelings. This feedback will highlight exactly what you need to work on.

3. Research your topic thoroughly.

If you understand the material inside and out, it will convey through your own passion and confidence as a speaker. Dive deep into research to find interesting facts, stories, anecdotes, or examples to bring your topic to life for the audience.

Knowing more than what’s in your slides means you can easily think on your feet if someone asks an unexpected question. Practice sharing pieces of what you learned with friends to hone your delivery.

4. Be expressive.

Public speaking is as much about nonverbal communication as it is verbal. Use gestures, facial expressions, and vocal variety to engage your listeners.

Stand up straight with confident body language, make eye contact, and smile. Speed up or slow down your pacing for emphasis. Variation in tone and volume keeps people attentive.

Relax your shoulders and use your whole body instead of just your face and notes to connect with others in the room.

5. Focus on your listener.

At its core, public speaking is about sharing information to educate and motivate others. Shift your mindset from worries about yourself to focusing on how to achieve your objective of helping the audience understand.

Think of them as people eager to learn from you rather than as scary faces staring back. Make eye contact and consciously speak to individuals, not just the crowd.

Ask questions to check comprehension and tailor examples to their perspective and interests. Their feedback is what really matters.

6. Sign up for public speaking training

One of the ways that you can succeed in growing your public speaking skills is to enroll in a public speaking class. The course would help her to gain technical skills, understand how to use different presentation aids, overcome nervousness, structure presentation and effectively deliver a presentation.

Earning accreditation can help solidify your professional reputation and build credibility with the audience.


Remember, public speaking is as much about engaging the listener as it is about delivering content. Focus on their perspectives and needs rather than worry about how you may come across.

With time and experience, conveying your message clearly and connecting with others will become second nature. Do you aspire to become a professional public speaker? Sign up for our upcoming public speaking course today

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